API - CoTemplate namespace

Class Summary
Cotpl_blockCoTemplate block class
Cotpl_dataA simple nameless block of data which may parse variables
Cotpl_exprCoTemplate logical expression
Cotpl_logicalCoTemplate run-time conditional block class
Cotpl_loopCoTemplate FOR loop
Cotpl_varCoTemplate variable with callback extensions support
XTemplateMinimalistic XTemplate implementation for Cotonti
Function Summary
cotpl_callback_replaceReplaces $this in callback arguments with the template tag value.
cotpl_index_glueGlues full block name (block path for parse) from index path
cotpl_read_fileA faster implementation of file_get_contents().
cotpl_tokenizeSplits a string into tokens by delimiter characters with double and single quotes support.
Global Summary
COTPL_OP_ADDOperator "+"
COTPL_OP_CLOSEOperator ")" closing parenthesis
COTPL_OP_CONTAINSOperator "~=" contains substring
COTPL_OP_DIVOperator "/"
COTPL_OP_EQOperator "=="
COTPL_OP_GEOperator ">="
COTPL_OP_GTOperator ">"
COTPL_OP_LEOperator "
COTPL_OP_LTOperator "
COTPL_OP_MODOperator "%"
COTPL_OP_MULOperator "*"
COTPL_OP_NEOperator "!="
COTPL_OP_NOTOperator "!" negation
COTPL_OP_OPENOperator "(" opening parenthesis
COTPL_OP_OROperator "OR"
COTPL_OP_SUBOperator "-"